Running has increased in popularity. It has also increased with average age of five years in both males and females since 1980 to 2011. The number of people finishing a marathon has gone from 1% of the population to 5% in just a few years In 2008 over fourteen million runners completed at least one hundred days running in that year. But with the interests and increases in running there are always possibilities for injuries. On average there are 4 injuries per 1,000 hours of running. This means that if you are running 5-10 hours per week, you could potentially get 2 injuries per year. This article is dedicated to eliminating or reducing them in your running journey. Most injuries occur when you are a new runner, increase your mileage more than 10% in a given week or coming back from an injury. Adding distance, using uneven work, speed , running up hills, interval training are other reasons runners get hurt. The lower body of the hips, knees, legs and feet are more commonly injured. In the next paragraph common injuries will be addressed.
Blisters are small pesky bumps caused by damage to the skin as well as too much moisture from socks and shoes. They are also caused by tight shoes or a foreign object that is lodged into the shoe. It is recommended that you do not pop them and change your socks and shoes if possible. Changing your gait, watching running surfaces can eliminate blisters.
If it is possible leave a blister alone and keep it clean and wrapped loosely. Only pop it if it is absolutely necessary and use a sterile needle and make sure your bandage is continually dry and clean. Moleskin helps inhibit blisters and gauze are loose fitting bandages that are great to add to blisters to keep them clean. Use soap and water, a topical ointment such as polymyxin B or bacitracin and never use alcohol on a blister.
Side Stitches
Side stitches are caused by known and unknown sources such as electrolyte deficiencies , skeletal muscles imbalances . Side stitches are officially known as exercise-related abdominal pain (ETAP). It can be caused by too much fluid or food during a run . It could be the result of tugging on the diaphragm by the ligaments that attach the internal organs, such as the liver, to the muscle. The organs naturally bounce up and down on the elastic ligaments as we run or jump. Most episodes of side stitch come from shallow breathing during exercise. While you exercise, try to breathe deeply and slowly, expanding the belly as well as the upper chest. Another effective method is to belly breathe or grunt exhale. Making a grunting sound as you exhale seems to help relieve side stitch, possibly because it forces the diaphragm out of its taught "exhale" position. Massage the area, be sure to taking fluids with sodium and plenty of simple carbohydrates such as gels, GUs and bloks. .Being out of condition and exercising too intensely causes you to breathe quickly -- and more shallowly. Build your intensity slowly over the course of several weeks and you will help eliminate or lessen side stitches.
Muscle Cramps
Muscle Cramps are often when a runner has had fatigue and also might be dehydrated. Some people are more prone to muscle cramps. Experts suggest ease into workouts in the heat. Additionally, carefully plan your fluids, electrolytes and carbohydrate intake to help avoid or delay muscle cramps. Hydration should be monitored with plain water and electrolytes. You should weigh at the beginning on a run the same as the end. If you are not drinking enough you will weigh less and if you are drinking too much you are drinking weight more. Also make sure you are getting enough simple carbohydrates so when your store of glycogen is depleted you still have energy to run on. Having a planned Gu gel or shot blok 60 minutes into the long distance running will help combat the depleted glycogen stores you experience 60-90 minutes into the run. Try a walk/run method where at various intervals you take a break from running. Heat affects running so consider running slower in the heat.
Achilles Tendonitis
The Achilles Heel is the hick muscle of tissue tendon that attaches the calf muscles to the heel bone or the back of the foot. This is an injury of excessive use, inflammation, overstretching and strain on the Achilles tendon. It is caused by poor running posture, Tightness in the calf, overpronating their feet, too fast running and not enough heel support.
There are many ways to avoid injury: Avoid increasing mileage over 10 percent in a given week , overtraining, warm up gradually before your run. Strengthen your leg muscles, avoid high heels and exercise over flat straight surfaces and also stretch. Avoid uneven terrain while running. The way to treat is to rest, icing the area, calf strengthening and stretching, cortisone shots . Pool running, icing several times a day is also helpful.
Shin Splints or Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
Shin Splints are also called medial tibal stress syndrome and occur most around a new runner, someone overweight or an individual who adds to their training mileage too quickly. It often occurs with runners with flat feet. It is about over abuse of the tibia. It is a pain that occurs in the front or inside of the lower leg along the shin bone ( tibia). It is called Periostitis and is inflammation of the periosteal muscle. This is also caused when there is a large amount of downhill running or too long of a stride. Runners have – impact on their forefoot creating stress on posterior compartments and Jogger impact the heel creating stress on anterior compartments.
There are two types of shin splints. It is also referred to as a variety of pain and injuries such as any pain in the shin area. The worst cases turn into a stress fracture or fracture along the tibia and in less serious cases the shin area maybe be tender and inflamed and pain lessons a few miles into the run. Experts suggest rest ,ice ,ibuprofen and make sure it is not of a more serious matter of a stress fracture.
Stress Fracture
Small break or crack in the bone that causes pain but that is not always shown through a X-ray scan. It causes pain and discomfort and stress fracture can occur in femur, tibia, ankle and foot It often occurs when you are pushing yourself too hard or not getting used to a repetitive motion activity. Pain gets worse with activity and improves with rest. It is essential not to run for at least eight weeks and start up slowly after the advice of a doctor.
Illitibial band syndrome
Illitibial band syndrome also called wobble injury. It affects the band alongside and outside the knee outside of the hip to the knee and occurs mostly the beginning of a run. It is an female issue and those runners that are overweight. It occurs during long runs and surfaces that are uneven. It occurs at the hip and causes great trichanteric bursitis with local tenderness, pain with walking or running and occurs on inclines. There is pain at night and accomplishing activities of daily living. This occurs when the ligament thicken, runs through the knee bone, causes inflammation and distance increases quickly. It feels like someone is stabbing you in the side of a knee when you run especially downhill. Treatment includes decreasing the amount of exercise, ibuprofen , heat and stretching the IT Band prior to exercise and icing the area after activities. Cross training or changing up your running surfaces helps with lessening the effects of IT Band pain. It is important to be running level without a lot of pelvis sliding to side. Weak abdominals and hips contribute to the problems. Foam rolling icing , massaging the infected area, cross training with other activities can strength the hip.
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome or Runners Knee
This is a overuse injury and kneecap is out of alignment. The cartilage of your knee as the years go by wear down. It makes up about 40% of running injuries. This is a strong pain around and under the kneecap. It is affecting women, certain biomechanics . People who over-pronate or have high arches. and others who are slower runners. Running is recommended to be halted for three months and under a doctors guidance non-impact aerobics may resume after six weeks of rest.
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar faciitis is a very common foot ailment. What starts as a dull ache skyrockets to pain whenever they do any exercise such a walking or running. This condition is more than just a pain in the heel. This pain is often most present when someone first awakens or has sat or stood in one place for an extended period of time. The plantar fascis is a thick broad band of fibrous tissue than runs on the bottom of the foot. It is attached to the heel bone (calcaenous) and goes out to the toes (metatarsals) of the foot. This tight band of tissue is elastic and acts like a bowstring to maintain arch of the foot. As a person ages, this band becomes less flexible.
Plantar faciitis is a type of overuse injury caused by micro tears to the plantar fascis. It is present with inflammation of the plantar fascia and often feels like sharp knives digging into your heel. What is thought to be pain in the ball of your foot originates in the middle of the bottom of your foot. It comes from overuse of the foot through sports that involve the pounding of feet, running, jumping, or walking. A sudden change of more than 10% increase of activity, wrong shoes, worn out shoes, an increase in weight, pregnancy, and arthritis can increase plantar faciitis. Even with plantar faciitis, many people have found relief. . Experts suggest that athletes take complete rest from their particular activity until their feet do not hurt. People with flat feet and high arch have found that with the use of insoles, heel cups, or doctor-prescribed orthotics, they are still able to run marathons, ultra marathons, or hike long distances with great success. Medical interventions include using ice, topical ointment, and pill or capsule muscle pain reliever.
There are many things you can do to avoid injury. First of all be aware of your fluid of both water and electrolyte intake fluids. Realize that you should ingest carbohydrates in long distance events 30-45 minutes with 100-200 calories. Races lasting more than 90 minutes means that you have depleted your carbohydrates stores. Every three weeks you are training aim for a taper week and even accomplished marathoners should aim to have at least three weeks to three months between marathons. When a new or unfamiliar pain comes on take it seriously and rest. Don’t hesitate to visit a running doctor for any pain that last longer than a week. Make sure you are wearing clothing that breathes and keeps you dry and that will allow you move freely and be ready to adjust it quickly to keep gait and movement flowing. Avoid extensive hill running and make sure you are running on even surfaces. Cross aerobic training and a basic strengthening program is essential to any runner. Yoga or a stretching class is a plus. With proper care and planning you can help lessen the instances of running injuries.
Dreyer, Danny. ( 2009). Chi Running. New York: New York. Simon and Schuster
Galloway, Jeff. (2006).Running Test Yourself. Olten, New York: Meyer and Meyer.
Galloway, Jeff. (2008).Running Until you are 100. Olten, New York: Meyer and Meyer.
Galloway, Jeff. (2010).Running Injuries. Olten, New York: Meyer and Meyer.
Five Most Troublesome Running Injuries
Five Ways to Avoid Cramps
How to Avoid Cramps
Mayo Clinic Blisters
Nine Remedies for Side Pain
Physigraphe Visuals Illustrations
Running Injuries Web MD
Seven Most Common Running Injuries
She Runs Strong
Six Common Running Injuries to avoid
Price, Scott MD (2013). Common Running and Jogging Injuries [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from Parkview Orthopedic Group: Palos Hospital Presentation June 20, 2013
WebMD Blisters
What causes a Side Stitch?
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Run Walk Method
Walk/ Run Method
Jeff Galloway is a 1972 Running Olympian who since 1974 has helped over 300, 000 runners achieve their dream of running their first marathon. Following his program of running and walking guarantees a 98% injury free rate . In 1978 Jeff was asked to teach a class in beginning running to 22 deconditioned athletes. He started with the group walking and inserted running and gradually increased the running segments over 10 weeks. Most continued to take walk breaks to the end of the class and all finished a 5K or 10K. All 22 finished the program with no injuries.
He has authored Runner's World articles, been on several podcasts, which have been used by hundreds of thousands of runners of all abilities. His training schedules have inspired the marathoners of all shapes, sizes, ages and sex who follow the Galloway RUN-WALK-RUN™, low mileage, three-day, suggestions to an over 98% success rate. Those runners who follow this plan tend to stay steady during a race increase distance capability and energy in the end. Runners start their walk portion before their running muscles get too tired. The method consists of short runs and walks timed before fatigue sets in. This allows muscles to recover instantly, and pushes back the fatigue wall. It also allows for endorphins to collect during each walk break and makes up the distance into manage units. A lasting benefit is that it can speed up the recovery in the leg muscles and reduce the chance of aches, pains and injuries. Using this fatigue-reduction tool early gives you the muscle resources and the confidence to cope with the body’s mental and physical challenges that can come later. Many times runners during a race fatigue and can only walk the last part of the race. This method eliminates or pushes back this fatigue.
Other than running apparel and a GPS to gauge your time there are timers or apps to keep you on track. There is now a run-walk-run timer, called a Gym Boss which can be set to beep or vibrate when it's time to walk. Other ways you can keep track of walk and run segments is to use a run/walk app called Run Keeper for the Apple and Android and a Timex Iron Man Watch. These methods give precise time for your walk and run segments.
First of all a runners needs to find out a magic mile time. This is done by running a mile after a few miles warm up at your fastest speed without getting sick. You then times that by 1.2 for a half marathon and 1.3 for a full marathon and you on a good day have a approximate pace. For a 5K race add 33 seconds per minute and 1.15 minutes per 10K.
Then you have to check the temperature. For every five degrees higher than 60 degrees add 30 seconds per mile to your marathon. For instance if it is 65 degrees and you are a twelve minute miler your average pace with run/walk break segments would be 12:30.
Suggested walk breaks include:
Run-walk-run ratio should correspond to the training pace used:
8 min/mi—run 4 min/walk 35 seconds
9 min/mi— 4 min run-1 min walk
10 min/mi—-3:1
11 min/mi—2:30-1
12 min/mi—-2:1
13 min/mi—-1:1
14 min/mi—30 sec run/30 sec walk
15 min/mi—30 sec/45 sec
16 min/mi—30 sec/60 sec
In conclusion Jeff is an inspirational speaker to over 200 running and fitness sessions each year. Under the leadership of his program he believes anyone can run a marathon by having a program that allows you planned run and walk breaks. This method allows those with some types of previous injuries to train for marathons without further injury and allows for improvement in a marathon. Even someone unconditioned under the guidance of a doctor can run a half marathon in three months using this program and a marathon in six months. Following this method in 2011 and 2012 I have both of my marathons in 45 minute faster than my previous 2009 and 2010 marathons. ( 5:28 Denver Marathon 20111 and 5:35 Illinois Marathon 2012). By just losing 15-20 seconds per mile using this method many runners have actually increased their PR by 13 to 40 minutes. And within three years qualify for Boston even in their senior years. And just like his book it will allow you the opportunity to run until you are 100.
Galloway, Jeff. (2006).Running Test Yourself. Olten, New York: Meyer and Meyer.
Galloway, Jeff. (2008).Running Until you are 100. Olten, New York: Meyer and Meyer.
Galloway, Jeff. (2010).Marathon: You Can do It. Olten, New York: Meyer and Meyer.
Jeff Galloway
Run Disney
Running with Karen
Jeff Galloway is a 1972 Running Olympian who since 1974 has helped over 300, 000 runners achieve their dream of running their first marathon. Following his program of running and walking guarantees a 98% injury free rate . In 1978 Jeff was asked to teach a class in beginning running to 22 deconditioned athletes. He started with the group walking and inserted running and gradually increased the running segments over 10 weeks. Most continued to take walk breaks to the end of the class and all finished a 5K or 10K. All 22 finished the program with no injuries.
He has authored Runner's World articles, been on several podcasts, which have been used by hundreds of thousands of runners of all abilities. His training schedules have inspired the marathoners of all shapes, sizes, ages and sex who follow the Galloway RUN-WALK-RUN™, low mileage, three-day, suggestions to an over 98% success rate. Those runners who follow this plan tend to stay steady during a race increase distance capability and energy in the end. Runners start their walk portion before their running muscles get too tired. The method consists of short runs and walks timed before fatigue sets in. This allows muscles to recover instantly, and pushes back the fatigue wall. It also allows for endorphins to collect during each walk break and makes up the distance into manage units. A lasting benefit is that it can speed up the recovery in the leg muscles and reduce the chance of aches, pains and injuries. Using this fatigue-reduction tool early gives you the muscle resources and the confidence to cope with the body’s mental and physical challenges that can come later. Many times runners during a race fatigue and can only walk the last part of the race. This method eliminates or pushes back this fatigue.
Other than running apparel and a GPS to gauge your time there are timers or apps to keep you on track. There is now a run-walk-run timer, called a Gym Boss which can be set to beep or vibrate when it's time to walk. Other ways you can keep track of walk and run segments is to use a run/walk app called Run Keeper for the Apple and Android and a Timex Iron Man Watch. These methods give precise time for your walk and run segments.
First of all a runners needs to find out a magic mile time. This is done by running a mile after a few miles warm up at your fastest speed without getting sick. You then times that by 1.2 for a half marathon and 1.3 for a full marathon and you on a good day have a approximate pace. For a 5K race add 33 seconds per minute and 1.15 minutes per 10K.
Then you have to check the temperature. For every five degrees higher than 60 degrees add 30 seconds per mile to your marathon. For instance if it is 65 degrees and you are a twelve minute miler your average pace with run/walk break segments would be 12:30.
Suggested walk breaks include:
Run-walk-run ratio should correspond to the training pace used:
8 min/mi—run 4 min/walk 35 seconds
9 min/mi— 4 min run-1 min walk
10 min/mi—-3:1
11 min/mi—2:30-1
12 min/mi—-2:1
13 min/mi—-1:1
14 min/mi—30 sec run/30 sec walk
15 min/mi—30 sec/45 sec
16 min/mi—30 sec/60 sec
In conclusion Jeff is an inspirational speaker to over 200 running and fitness sessions each year. Under the leadership of his program he believes anyone can run a marathon by having a program that allows you planned run and walk breaks. This method allows those with some types of previous injuries to train for marathons without further injury and allows for improvement in a marathon. Even someone unconditioned under the guidance of a doctor can run a half marathon in three months using this program and a marathon in six months. Following this method in 2011 and 2012 I have both of my marathons in 45 minute faster than my previous 2009 and 2010 marathons. ( 5:28 Denver Marathon 20111 and 5:35 Illinois Marathon 2012). By just losing 15-20 seconds per mile using this method many runners have actually increased their PR by 13 to 40 minutes. And within three years qualify for Boston even in their senior years. And just like his book it will allow you the opportunity to run until you are 100.
Galloway, Jeff. (2006).Running Test Yourself. Olten, New York: Meyer and Meyer.
Galloway, Jeff. (2008).Running Until you are 100. Olten, New York: Meyer and Meyer.
Galloway, Jeff. (2010).Marathon: You Can do It. Olten, New York: Meyer and Meyer.
Jeff Galloway
Run Disney
Running with Karen
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