Thursday, January 31, 2013

Duffle Bag Workout


Duffle Bag Workout



Here are some exercises you can do with a duffle bag that encourages fitness , weight training and a good workout you can do anywhere.  Use sand in a  sealed bag or use some old ankle weights or various soft  weights to add into the bag.  Do each exercise for 15 reps with one minute of each in-between with three rounds of each.  Remember that you can add and subtract weight at your level.  Last remember to always check that the bag is closed completely before lifting the bag above your head.




Muscles Targeted: glutes, lower abs quads, and biceps


Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, extend arms, and cradle duffle bag at the corner of the elbows and keeping the bag at shoulder height, squat until  hips are level with heels, squeeze glutes, thrust hips and returns to standing. 


Farmers Walk


Muscles Targeted: legs, shoulders and back


Begin with feet hip to shoulder width apart.  Using one bag, perform a slight squat to grade the handles, keeping with chest upright and back in a strong neutral position.  Once you are completely standing upright, begin walking for a desired distance or amount of time . Sit weight down and rest or exchange  arms and repeat the exercise.  

Plank and Pull


Muscle Targeted: Shoulder, lats, core, abs and chest


Assume push-up position with sandbag on floor directly underneath chest.  Bend elbows until chest touches sandbag, push up.  Walk hands and feet forward three small steps, keeping butt down and body in straight line, then reach back and pull  duffle bag with left hand until its directionally under chest.  


Weighted elevated pushup


Muscle Targeted: Pectorals, deltoids, lats abs and core


Place duffle bag between shoulder blades and assume a push-up position with feet elevated on a stair step  or low table.  Bend elbows to lower nose almost to the ground, keeping ankles, hips and shoulder in a straight line.  Push back up.



Slamin Burpee


Muscles Targeted: Shoulders, arms, chest, abs, butt thighs.


Stand holding bat at chest, elbows at side, Extend arms to press bag overhead, then slam it on the floor in front of you.  Squat placing hands on bag, jump feet to plank as shown hope feet back in an pick up bag Return.


Spilt Swing


Muscles Targeted: Arms, obliques,  butt, highs and thigh


Stand in a lunge with left foot forward twist upper body to right arms  down  down holding bag in front of you 


Push off left foot and switch legs in air, landing in a lunge with right foot forward as your rotate upper body bring bag to left side.  Continue alternating sides.




Plank Crawl


Muscles Targeted: Shoulders, arms chest and abs


Stand in a plank with bag on floor under chest.  Grade an end with right hand and throw bag in front of you as far as you can.  Keeping back flat, walk hands and feet forward until bag is under chest again.  Repeat with other hand.



Dead lift


Muscle Targeted Back hips and hamstrings



Begin with feet hip to shoulder width part.  Perform a slight  squat or with straight legs, grab the handles keeping with chest upright and back in a strong neutral position.  Engage the hip extensors and lift the bag off the floor until full hip extension is complete.  Pause and then lower the bag back to the floor and repeat exercise.  Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.  Once you are complete, lower the bag back to the floor being careful not to drop.  





Dead Row


Muscle Targeted: Back


Being with feet hip to shoulder width apart.  Perform a slight squat and edges or  the handles, or edges of the duffle bag, keeping the chest upright and back at appropriately 45 degree angle.  Elongate  the back and hip muscles to maintain stability while at the same pulling  the bag toward your rib cage.  Your elbows  should be moving directly toward the back wall.  Lower the bag back to until your arms and almost extended and repeat movement.  



Wood Chop


Muscle Targeted: Deltoids, quads, glutes, and core


Stand with feet shoulder-width apart,  Hold a duffle bag by the edge, elbows slightly bend, and squat while lowering duffle bag to outside of left foot. Stand and raise duffle bag overhead slightly to the right.  Squat and take duffle bag to the outside of right foot.  Alternate sides.


Ab Throw Down


Muscles Targeted: abs, arms and thigh


Life face up with feel hip-width apart and flat, knees bend, holding bag with arms stretched overhead on floor.  Stit up up bringing the bag overhead duffle bag between legs, then grab it and press it back overhead, Slowly lower yourself to start. 


Shoulder Lift


Muscles Targeted:  Shoulders arms abs oblique back , butt thighs.


Squat with feet hip-width apart, holding duffle bag on right shoulder with both hands, Stand and straighten arms to press bag overhead as shown return to squat, lowering bag to the left shoulder.  Continue alternating sides.



Fit-Pro  Hydropower Bag November-December 2012

Self Magazine, Head to Toe Hotness, January 2013

Runners World, Keep it Simple or Crank It Up, January 2013





Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Benefits of Exercising Outside

Benefits of Exercising Outside



With the advancement of modern technology we are not required to move.  This also includes exercise which is readily available in most gyms.  But I challenge you to try to exercise outside for the following reasons.  You will be glad you did.


First of all it is free.  While most gyms charge at their base fee of at least thirty dollars per month exercising outside allows you to work out in the great outdoors for free.  It also gives you the opportunity to work out at any time since most gyms have  fixed hour schedules.


The sun is a great mood enhancer, strengthens the immune system and provides Vitamin D. It has also been known to protect against cancer. 


The constant state of being outside encourages more complex body movements, increases muscle usage, provides changing scenery and domain and excites the brain.  It also decreases depression and mood disorders as well as provide raised endorphins. It burns more calories as you are required to overcome wind, heat and cold and changes in your physical environment such as rain, snow and light.


Last of all a natural environment gives an appreciation for nature, a healing, relaxing environment and most important a place to tune into one’s thoughts and feelings as they search for answers from God. Exercise outside and you will be glad you did.




6 Benefits of Exercising Outside


Benefits of Exercising Outside




Denver Post



Fit Chick: The benefits of exercising outdoors